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Kim Kasparian is a growth coach with a passion for helping individuals take control of their personal and professional dreams and desires. In this interview, we discuss the power of mindset & the role it plays in achieving your long-term personal and professional goals. Drawing upon Kim’s own story of how she was able to shift her mindset and transform her life (and how you can too), we also delve into the most common mindset challenges most people face when pursuing their dreams & how to avoid them, why it is important to overcome limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns & the specific techniques or daily practices you can employ to cultivate success today, and much more!

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Janette’s TV Podcast –


In this new Janette’s “Tips ‘N’ Sips” Segment, Janette talks about how to do your own hair and make it look professional when you can’t get to a hairdresser. Get yours at


In this Janette’s Take On… The Segment Where She Opens Her Mouth, (No Holding Back!), Reveals Sides of Her You May Not Have Seen Before, And Presents Her Perspective on World Events, Media, Marketing & Business Topics That Are On Everyone’s Mind, Dare She Say Lips, Janette Takes On The Crisis of the Afghan Woman. Don’t forget to share your opinions in the comments below. #Afghanistan #Taliban #GenderPersecution #GenderApartheid #TheCrisisoftheAfghanWoman #UN #HumanRights #CrimesAgainstWomen #Education #Employment #PublicLife #NewLaws #Vice&Virtue” #JanetteBurke #Janette’sTakeOn #MediaPersonality #TVShow/PodcastHost #MC/Speaker #On-CameraTrainer #Podcast/YouTubeCreatorTrainer #Perspectives #No-HoldingBack #OpeningMyMouth


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