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On-Camera & Podcast/YouTube Channel Training

On-Camera Training

Do you:

  • Constantly pitch the media & don’t receive yeses?

  • Understand how the media works, what they are looking for in a story or interviewee?

  • How to talk in soundbites & the importance of non-verbal communication?

  • Need to overcome your fear of being on-camera so you can make your own promo, educational videos, & LIVES on social media?

With the right skills and strategies in place, almost anyone can transform into an industry expert and land all sorts of traditional & online media appearances.


In fact, my clients have routinely appeared in/on local, regional, national, and international media - skyrocketing their brand and influence without a massive following or formal credentials.

Training Breakdown

10, 1-hour, private sessions.

Session(s) Overview:

  • Story Telling vs. Story Selling

  • Creating a Story the Media Will Love

  • Know What to Say & How to Answer Any Question with Confidence

  • Your Body Language Speaks Louder than Your Words

  • Harnessing the Power of Your Breathing & Your Voice

  • Knowing How to Dress for the Camera - Makeup, Hair & Clothes... OH MY!

  • Designing Your Home Studio

  • Using a Teleprompter

  • Understanding the Media to Get Booked

Podcast/YouTube Channel Training

Do you want to start a Podcast or your own YouTube Channel and don't know where to begin? If you want to know what to talk about each week, how often to publish one, what to call it, how to niche or even set-up home studio, find guests, promote, and monetize it after you create and publish your show. I can show you. I’ve taken my Podcast from ZERO to a 9.2 million global audience, lasting 13 Seasons.

Training Breakdown

10, 1-hour, private sessions.

Session(s) Overview:

  • Introduction to Podcasting & YouTube Channel Creation.

  • Designing Your Podcast or YouTube Channel.

  • Producing Your Podcast or YouTube Channel.

  • Writing Your Podcast or YouTube Channel Episode Scripts.

  • Editing Your Podcast or YouTube Channel Episodes.

  • Hosting and Distributing Your Podcast or YouTube Channel.

  • Marketing and Promoting Your Podcast or YouTube Channel.

  • How to Monetize Your Podcast or YouTube Channel.

  • Finding Guests

  • Setting-up Your Home Studio

After Working with Me, Clients Have Gone On to Appear On:

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