Janette Burke
Online Media Personality, TV Show/Podcast Host, Correspondent, MC/Speaker, & On-Camera Consultant
Janette's Sponsor & Advertising Opportunities

Why Sponsor Janette’s TV & Janette’s TV Podcast
Are you spending money on ads and not seeing results? Are you doing the latest trend on social media in hopes to get some exposure, but it’s not reflective of your brand? Stop spinning your wheels! Digital media is the future of advertising. Consider being a sponsor or advertiser of Janette’s TV & Janette’s TV Podcast instead! You’ll get direct connection to Janette’s already existing audience who is your ideal client without having to keep wasting your money, time, and effort.
Janette’s TV & Janette’s TV Podcast combines mainstream with online media, jointly using television, podcast, and social media in a digital streaming format to get you the most visibility, connection, and exposure. At the forefront of digital media, Janette was one of the first to recognize its benefits, years ahead of the large networks. She knows how to make your sponsorship or advertising work the best way it possibly can for you.
Who This Opportunity Is For
A lifestyle brand?
Looking to reach new audiences & get more exposure on your business, product, or service?
Set-up for the customer journey (i.e.. website, way of collecting & following-up on leads), have an online presence/division, are able to sell & ship products across the globe or at least North America?
If this is you, let’s talk!

Janette's Sponsor & Advertising Opportunities 4-Step Process
What We Offer for Janette’s Sponsor & Advertising Opportunities with Total Price
Option 1: Sponsor 1 Episode. $950
Option 2: Sponsor 5 Episodes. $4,250
Option 3: Sponsor 10 Episodes. $7,550
Special: Sponsor 3 Episodes. From June 1-June 30. $3,250
Add-On to Your Sponsor & Advertising Opportunities
Janette Recommends: $150
Ideal for restaurants, hotels, event spaces, etc.
You will receive:
Placement in Janette’s TV & Janette’s TV Podcast Chronicles e-publication and Media Matters with Janette newsletter with your logo as an ad and a writeup
25 posts on Janette's social media platforms & groups.
Commercials Janette Consulted On
Top Promotional Commercials
Ready to Take the Next Step?