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Media Sponsorship & Interview Opportunities

Media Sponsorship


  • CEO’s, Marketing Directors, & Entrepreneurs of niched lifestyle brands including clothing, makeup, jewellery, food & beverage, travel, home furnishings, etc.

Do You Deal with this:

  • Not having enough people know or talk about your brand or product? 

  • Not having enough people realize how amazing and revolutionary your product is, or how to use it?

  • Not getting enough visibility or exposure for your brand, product, or service?

  • Increases in the costs of your paid advertising? Advertising expenses have increased by 25% and expected to rise another 13% in 2024. Key average monthly cost figures for pay-per-click, per-lead, and Google Ads are:

    • Cost-per-click: $2.96

    • Cost-per-lead: $40.74

    • Expected monthly ad spend: $9,000-$30,000 

  • Too many clicks but not enough purchases on your website?

  • Trying to stand out against bigger brand names or your competition with a small amount of market share?

Why Be a Media Sponsor of Janette’s TV Podcast:

  • Credibility & Trust: Sponsorship with established media outlets like Janette’s TV Podcast enhances your brand's credibility, unlike social media ads, which are often less trusted due to fake news and clickbait.

  • Targeted Audience: Media sponsorship with Janette’s TV Podcast reaches an audience of women aged 40+ seeking quality, high-end products and services, providing more precise targeting than social media ads, which may reach non-target audiences.

  • Content Integration: Sponsored content can be seamlessly integrated into Janette’s TV Podcast episodes, making it less intrusive and more engaging compared to disruptive social media ads.

  • Longevity: Episodes of Janette’s TV Podcast featuring sponsors remain available for years, offering prolonged exposure, unlike the shorter lifespan of social media ads.

Media Interview


  • Celebrities & Entertainment Professionals

  • CEO’s, Marketing Directors, & Entrepreneurs

  • Select Book Authors

Do You Deal with this:

  • Not known in your industry? Or being your industry’s best-kept secret?

  • Not getting enough media or speaking gigs?

  • Not connecting with or closing clients that pay?

  • Not getting enough leads because you’re not connecting with the audience?

  • Not driving traffic to your website?

Why Interview on Janette’s TV Podcast:

  • Brand Awareness: For businesses and individuals alike, media interviews are a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness and recognition.

  • Audience Engagement: Skilled media interviewees can engage with my audience of over 9.2 million women aged 40+ globally effectively, fostering a sense of connection and loyalty among my viewers and listeners.

  • Expert Status: Regular, insightful media appearances including those on Janette’s TV Podcast can establish you as an expert in your field, enhancing your authority and influence.

  • Enhanced Public Image: A polished and professional interview on Janette’s TV Podcast can significantly improve your public image, making you appear knowledgeable, credible, and trustworthy.

Explore Sponsor & Interview Offers

"Tips 'N' Sips"

This is a 60-second segment that showcases a useful and relevant lifestyle tip about your product with product placement of your product, logo, sponsor credit, website and contact info. 

Interview Showcase

30-minute interview on Janette’s TV Podcast with done-for-you promotion on my social media, website, and email.

Sponsor Spotlight Complete

Select between 3, 6, and 12 months of media sponsorship with exclusivity for your industry for the duration of Janette’s TV Podcast episodes that you sponsor.

Add-Ons Available

  • On-Camera Training

  • Podcast/YouTube Channel Creation Training

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Promo Video Commercials Janette Consulted On

Top Promo Video Commercials

Janette's TV Podcast Sposnorship Promo Video Commercials

"The entire process from start to finish was professional and also very educational. Janette’s professionalism from every phone call and email to the day of the shoot made it a pleasure to work with Janette and her Team. Janette helped me understand the importance of narrowing down the marketing definitions of my type of business for future success. I cannot wait to continue working with Janette Burke in the future."



Dennis Costa, Avas and Concepts

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